Antigua Workers Union (AWU)

JUNE 1, 1967 The Antigua Workers Union (AWU) opened their first Office on Tanner Street. The first union officers (industrial relations officers) were Donald Halstead, Keithlyn Smith and Fitzroy Brann. The Union, now known as the The Antigua & Barbuda Workers Union (ABWU),was formed in response to concerns about the...

The Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS)

JUNE 18, 1981 The Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) came into being when seven Eastern Caribbean countries signed a treaty (the Treaty of Basseterre) agreeing to cooperate and promote unity and solidarity among the Members. OECS is the successor of the Leewards Islands' political organization known as the West...

Sir John E. St. Luce

July 13, 1940, Sir John E. St. Luce was born to Cecil St. Luce and Josephine Winter St. Luce on Nevis Street, St. John’s Antigua. He attended the Foundation Mixed School and then went on to the Antigua Grammar School. Upon graduating from the Antigua Grammar School at the age...

2020 National Sport Honours – Roma Simon

NATIONAL SPORTS HONOURS 2020 - ROMA SIMONThe Antigua and Barbuda Cricket Association sincerely and deeply appreciates the tireless contribution of Ms. Roma Simon and is pleased to salute her in the 2020 National Sports Honour Roll.Ms. Roma Simon, affectionately nicknamed Roma, was a dedicated worker of the Antigua and Barbuda...

Sir Adolphus Eleazer Freeland

September 12, 1934 - Adolphus Eleazer Freeland was born to William and Keturah Freeland.  He hails from Potters Village. Adolphus Eleazer Freeland began his Education at the St. Mark’s Primary School then attended the Potters Primary School shortly after it opened in 1947.  He won a Scholarship to the Faith...

Sir Curtly Elconn Lynwall Ambrose

September 21 1963 – Sir Curtly Elconn Lynwall Ambrose “Ambi” was born in Swetes Village, St. Mary’s Antigua and Barbuda to Jasper Ambrose from Barnes Hill/ Cedar Grove and Hilarine ‘Hillie’ Ambrose from Swetes. A graduate of the All Saints Secondary School, basketball and football were his preferred sports in...

Senator the Honourable Shawn Nicholas

September 22, 1970 –  Senator the Honourable Shawn Marissa Nicholas was born to Gerald Nicholas and Eileen Richardson from Newfield and Wilikies respectively. Shawn was raised on the Mayers Estate, Wilikies where she resided until adulthood. The original Estate House was her primary residence until Hurricane Hugo (September 1989). She...

Kiwanis Lieutenant Governor Hollis Francis

October 1, 2021 - Hollis E. Francis Jr is elevated to Lieutenant Governor of Division 27 Caribbean of the Eastern Canada and the Caribbean District. LG Hollis joined the Kiwanis family in the year 2001 when he was inducted as a member of the Kiwanis Club of St. John’s Antigua....

Vince ‘Kazi’ McCoy

October 5, 1968 - Vince "Kazi" McCoy was born to Royston and Florentine McCoy of Point and Freetown respectively.  Vince spent his early years on Bennett Street in Villa before his family relocated to Belle Vue Heights in 1974. Vince is a product of Villa Primary, Freetown Primary, Gefadem School,...